Celebration Launch Of The Revised Std Edition Of The Complete Psychological Works Of Sigmund Freud 2024; Revised, Supplemented & Edited By Mark Solms

The Celebration Launch of the Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Revised, Edited and Supplemented by Mark Solms, was a magnificent affair!

130 people packed the Avalon Theatre at the Homecoming Centre, in District 6, Cape Town, for the live event, which was also live streamed online to almost 200 friends and colleagues from more than 30 countries and around South Africa.

To the sounds of Abdullah Ibrahim’s anthem, “Manenberg,” the audience trooped in, sipping glasses of Solms Delta wine. A beautiful film (made by Johannesburg Candidate Psychoanalyst, Deborah Ashdown, see below) and exquisite poem, "The Dawn of Consciousness" (by Johannesburg Candidate Psychoanalyst, Nshediseng Tlooko, see below), located us in Africa and in honouring the achievements of our founding member, Mark Solms.

The  President of SAPA, Mary-Anne Smith, then set the scene and introduced our 3 speakers. Mark began by discussing the immense project he has undertaken, and this was then followed by Prof. Wahbie Long and Prof. Pumla Gobodo-Madikikela, each of whom spoke with originality and passion in their responses. This was followed by further discussion and an interesting and meaningful audience Q&A. Psychoanalysis in Africa was showcased, and everyone wanted more!

 Jiving to the beat of Miriam Makeba, we all went on to eat, drink and have fun….

 The full recording will be available for purchase on the website shortly.

The Dawn of Consciousness 


Ntshediseng Tlooko

Lest we forget

Perhaps we must first get

Where it all begun

From whence we have come 

The dawn of the sun 

It was emotion 

That set energy in motion 

And gave birth to a global nation 


Within a reticular system that activated 

What three hundred and thirty five thousand years have generated

Buried deep within the African soil 

Is the collective umbilical cord that holds us all

This land is the bearer of the soul 

The embryonic formation of wokeness 

The burgeoning wisdom of our existence 

The inherited unconscious 

That knows and says  

I feel, therefore I am 

Naledi’s footsteps from the cave 

Motivated by what curiosity craves 

Heritage only favours the brave 

Survival of the fittest?

The emotive ones will inherit the Earth 

We are the sentient being

Bipedal and breathing 

Rock art and singing

Pyramids and drum beating 

Because of the Hidden Spring 

Deep in the hindbrain 

Genesis beginning 

Not with an apple

But the mind that begun to grapple 

With the forbidden fruit of knowing 

The mind that says 

And the brainstem that knows

I feel, therefore I am 

Our ability to learn 

Derives from the drives that can discern 

It is safe, we can turn 

It is hot, we will burn 

It is love, we need not have concern

Learning from experience 

Improves our conscience 

Lessens our grievance 

Informs us in advance 

So we may not take that chance 

It is the synaptic dance 

Between brain and mind 

Kelello le boko 

Ubuchopo ne ingqondo


You feel, therefore you are 

It was all in a dream 

Oh so it may seem 

How does one prove it real 

What we all feel 

A project for a scientific psychology 

Was the original heartbeat 

That transplanted across seas and continents 

And can now be rendered complete 


With neurological evidence 

To prove 

What we now know to be true

Rooted in affective states

The drive that emotion creates 

So we can now stop the debates

For yet again 

I clearly proclaim

I feel, therefore I am


SAPA 2024 German-South African Conference


SAPI Annual Conference 2024