South African Psychoanalytical Initiative
SAPI was begun in 2005 in order to contribute to the long tradition of psychoanalysis in South Africa, as well as to establish an IPA recognised training of psychoanalysts in South Africa. SAPA emerged out of SAPI and the two organisations work integrally and synergistically together.
About SAPI
SAPI is open to all mental health practitioners/therapists (including social workers, psychiatrists, clinical and councelling psychologists, nurses, art and drama therapists; psychology interns, candidate psychoanalysts, psychoanalysts, neuropsychologists and educational psychologists) who practice or are interested in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
SAPI is a member of the South African Psychoanalytic Confederation (SAPC) as well as an Allied Centre of the IPA, as such, all members adhere to the code of ethics of both these organisations.
SAPI Board Members
Siobhan Carter-Brown
Nokulunga Nene-Mokgele
Bhamini Rugnathji
Mary Anne Smith
Coletta Canale
SAPI Executive Committee
2023 – 2026
Nokulunga Nene-Mokgele
Cheryl Baker
Vanessa Dantas e Sá
Patricia Oosthuizen